Red Kite

Red Kite - Milvus milvus Milvus milvus

Size: 24 inches (62 cm)
Habitat: Open woodland and farmland
Feeding: Carrion, small animals, especially rabbits, and birds
Eggs: 2 - 3 white eggs with red/brown speckles laid April to May, incubation about 30 days


Red Kite    

Red Kites were widespread in Britain until the 18th century when their numbers dwindled dangerously. For many years they were only seen in Wales. In recent years, a re-introduction scheme has dramatically increased their numbers.

They are magnificent birds. Easy to recognise with their forked tail, they are rusty brown in colour with a pale head. In flight you can see white patches on the underwings.

The sexes are similar but the male is slightly smaller than the female.

Red Kite - Milvus milvus
Red Kite - Milvus milvus


Red Kite - Milvus milvus   Red Kite - Milvus milvus

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